Develop healthy habits while working
on a body you are proud of

Together, we embark on a transformative journey to sculpt the best version of yourself.

Our approach is holistic, focusing on three foundational pillars that are essential for lasting change: Workouts, Nutrition, and Mindset & Habits.

This coaching is perfect for you, if...

YOU are ready to put yourself first!

If you are tired of making excuses for why today is not the right day to begin, and you are truly ready to embrace a resounding YES to yourself and your well-being!

YOU are willing to put in the effort to become the best version of yourself!

From nothing comes nothing—improvement demands effort every single day. Success is not a straight path, but together, we will navigate the ups and downs, pushing forward to achieve your goals!

YOU are ready to develop healthy routines!

Discover healthy routines that bring peace of mind and let you savor life to its fullest. Learn how to enjoy balanced, nutritious eating without feeling restricted!

YOU are tired of living an unhealthy and unbalanced life!

Embark on creating the life you deserve, one without limitations, filled with healthy choices and enjoyment at every turn!

"We are what we repeatedly do"

– Aristotle

how we will work together

What will YOUR ROAD TO HEALTHY HABITS look like?


All plans, trackers, and calls will be uniquely crafted for you to help you reach your goals! We recognise that everyone is unique and must be treated as such


Access your workout plans and trackers conveniently through our app, making it effortless to stay on track even while on the go! This also allows us to monitor your progress and results closely.


You will gain access to an online educational archive covering the three main pillars: mindset & habits, nutrition, and workouts


Once a week, we will meet via Zoom to track your progress, discuss any updates, and make adjustments to your plans as necessary.


We will utilise personalised worksheets and trackers to gain deeper insights into your situation, track your progress, and visualise your journey.


The call may be over, but if you have any questions, remarks, or thoughts to share, do not hesitate to reach out! I will also check in with you periodically to ensure everything is going smoothly.

Why my clients love YOUR ROAD TO HEALTHY HABITS...

I started this journey in a challenging chapter of my life. Thanks to the constant coaching and checkins from Kyana, I was able to show up for myself the way I’ve been wanting to for a long time. In just 4 weeks I saw significant changes to my body; which is always nice when you put in the work. But more importantly: I started feeling better; my mental state became more stable and the things I used to struggle with are now my starting point. I can’t wait to see the results after 12 weeks.
Lilly, 25
I always felt bad about my body. I didn’t like looking at myself, I hated dressing up because I always thought I looked fat. I tried a lot, going to the gym myself, weight watchers, dieting books, etc. Then I saw Kyana’s videos on social media. She was so enthusiastic and so energetic. I decided to look at what she actually does. She told me about her program. I immediately fell in love with it. Now I’m almost 2 months in the program and I already feel so much better about myself. I’m getting fitter, I love myself again. All thanks to the wonderful coach, Kyana!
Chanou, 25
Kyana helped open my eyes so much. I was so stuck in my lifestyle, it did not fulfil me at all. Since I started 4 weeks ago, my day to day life already changed so much. I think about going to the gym first and preparing tasty food for myself instead of which series to watch next on Netflix. I actually schedule the important things in and I enjoy going to the gym so much more than ever. The workout plan and the compatibility with the app used is great and pushes me each time to set new PR's. I am loving it!
Michelle, 31
Whoop Whoop only one month full power with the training plan without changing anything in my diet and 2 cm on the belly and thighs are gone and I already see results in the mirror.
Olga, 31
I cannot remember even having been happy when looking in the mirror. I didn't even realised that it was a feeling that I missed because I did not know it. Now I start to appreciate my body and I am really proud of my results. And I did not even have to change that much in my life. I am so happy that I found Kyana!
Daniela, 39

Your Road to Healthy Habits

Are you ready to make a change in your life?

Are you prepared to put in the work to feel your best?

Are you ready for the new YOU?

Let’s get started!

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